Honors, Awards, and Press Releases


Your help in obtaining equipment to be utilized in a reverse sting was of immeasurable value and contributed to the successful indictment of three individuals, as well as the recovery of some of the stolen property.
Director, Theft Investigation
Your assistance… helped us stop the theft from our distribution warehouse and get the suspect arrested and put in jail under $500K bail. We also recovered most of our ‘known’ missing property… further arrests and possible civil recovery will come from this case.
Security Investigator, Theft Investigation
Great! Thanks so much for the quick response, and attention to detail!
Human Resource Manager, Pre-employment Research
… thank you for recognizing this problem and stepping forward to assist law enforcement attempts to curtail this criminal activity. Without your valuable assistance we would not have been as successful as we ultimately were.
Executive Director, Office of the Attorney General
Cyte-M is truly the cutting-edge high technology security firm in Silicon Valley with expertise not only in prevention of high tech cargo theft, but also in the prevention of on-the-job embezzlement or theft and crime prevention.
Litigation Attorney, Real Estate and Business
I would like to thank you for the attention and effort to handle a tense situation for me. I was very impressed with your employees and it is very clear that you and the team leaders have selected the best of the best. That type of selection has to start at the top and it is not something that is common in most companies. Too many times the CEO wants to have people that he or she is clearly superior to. That doesn’t work very well in the long run. There is nothing like a team of top people.
CEO, Threat Management
Thank you for your excellent work.
Adoptive Parents, Birth Parent(s) Locate
I just want to express my thanks for the seriousness with which you took our potential violence-in-the-workplace issue and the speed with which you responded. It’s reassuring to know there’s a firm like yours with quality, professional employees and contractors.
Senior Vice President/Bank, Work Place Violence
My brother and I are all so very grateful for the work that you have done in assisting us to recover unclaimed property. Thanks to your pointing us in the right direction, we were able to recover the principal that was producing the escheated interest showing on the State of California’s website. We would never have found these assets but for your help.
Claimant, Unclaimed Property
… assistance in examination and classification of high tech computer components was invaluable. We arrested nine persons on charges ranging from possession of methamphetamine to auto theft.
Chief of Police, Task Force Investigation
Again thank you for your continued support on behalf of the computer companies that you represent. Cyte-M’s support has resulted in numerous arrests of members of the South American Theft Group and has enhanced several ongoing cargo theft investigations.
Detective - The Port Authority Criminal Investigations
I want to thank you so much for your help in collecting my unclaimed property. I know you put a lot of time into it, and it was appreciated.
Bank Manager Unclaimed Property
I don’t know yet how to thank you properly for helping Ronita find me other than give you the deepest heartfelt thanks that I can give. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Now I am crying finally. Our separation is over, my pain is gone, Ronita has agreed to the restoration of our relationship and so the healing has begun.
Podiatrist Missing Person Locate

Awards and Acknowledgements

  • Rear Admiral Kevin F. Delaney (Ret.) Presents The “Keeping America Strong” Award Honoring Cyte-M, Inc. As Seen On The Heartbeat of America Special television Series Hosted by William Shatner 
- October 11, 2005
  • International High Technology Investigation Association - Award for "The Most Significant High Technology Case for 1999" by HTCIA International for Operation Treezuck.
- 1999
  • High Technology Investigation Association - Award for "The Most Significant High Technology Case for 1998" by HTCIA-Silicon Valley Chapter Officers for Operation Treezuck.
- 1998
  • Port Authority Police - New York & New Jersey "In Recognition Of Your Dedication And Service To Law Enforcement In The Area of Cargo Theft Investigations."
- March 1997
  • Letter of thank you and commending assistance from Santa Clara Chief of Police Charles R. Arrolla for successful “all out search” for “a missing person at risk.”
- January 30, 1997
  • Letter of Appreciation from FBI Director Louis J. Freeh in 1995 for case in connection with theft and trafficking of high valued computer components.
- September 11, 1995
  • Letter of thank you and commending assistance from Santa Clara Chief of Police Frank Vasquez for Operation Big Ben.
- July 27, 1992
  • Department of Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Award "In Appreciation For Support of The Mission of The Criminal Investigation Division, The Internal Revenue Service. Chief Richard Speier, Jr.
- June 13, 1991
  • Letter of Appreciation from FBI Director William S. Sessions for 1990 case in connection with joint investigation of stolen computer parts from Sun Microsystems.
- September 21, 1990

Press Releases